Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Don't let 'em do it!

A few folks on cable news/commentary have been noting that there's an official "Bush Legacy" project, led by Rove, aimed rehabilitating W's reputation. [See, e.g., Karl Rove launches 'Bush legacy project' with Iraq war claim.]

Exit interviews with the players have been fun.
Bush: "... One of the major theaters against al Qaeda turns out to have been Iraq. This is where al Qaeda said they were going to take their stand. This is where al Qaeda was hoping to take ..."

[ABC News' Martha] RADDATZ: But not until after the U.S. invaded.

BUSH: Yeah, that's right. So what?
Rove suggesting that without the WMD intel, we wouldn't have invaded...

Then Cheney, today, saying we would've invaded even without the WMD intel, 'cuz Saddam still had the capability to produce WMD. [Short of executing every Ph.D. scientist & incinerating every chemical in the country, it's difficult to see what Saddam could have done to completely remove the "capability" to make WMD!]

But... this is not the point of this post!
The point is:
Don't let 'em do it!
Matt Ygelsias puts it well:
The harsh reality is that this [Iraq fiasco] was not a noble undertaking done for good reasons. It was a criminal enterprise launched by madmen cheered on by a chorus of fools and cowards. And it’s seen as such by virtually everyone all around the world — including but by no means limited to the Arab world. But it’s impolitic to point this out in the United States, and it’s clear that even a president-elect who had the wisdom not to be suckered in by the War Fever of 2002 has no intention of really acting to marginalize the bad actors. Which, I think, makes sense for his political objectives. But if Americans want to play a constructive role in world affairs, it’s vitally important for us to get in touch with the reality of what the past eight years of US foreign policy have been and how they’re seen and understood by people who aren’t stirred by the shibboleths of American patriotism.
[An Empire of Sentimentality]

Stop the madness!

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