Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Why do we fail?

Why does the GOP obstruct?

Why are we progressives frustrated?

Why do Dems fail to lead?

Why does our President fail to lead?

We are, all of us, deeply, profoundly afraid.
We all - even the so-called 'loyal opposition' - all of us see the bright future...
BUT: we are afraid to take a first step.
The unknown fearful ocean confronts us.
What lies beyond the horizon is evil and fearful.
We have accustomed ourselves to fear.

What if we fail? What if... ???

We are - all of us - deeply, profoundly, AFRAID.
We fear the future.
We fear each other.
We fear ourselves.
We fear hell.
We fear heaven.

There is no other explanation for our failure.
We are afraid.
We fear.

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