Wednesday, January 23, 2013

New medical conditions

tachycardia: Pathologically rapid heartbeat
... which suggests...

tardycardia: Pathologically slow heartbeat

If that abnormally slow heartbeat was caused by eating too much saturated fat?

... if the saturated fat was from healthy, robust pigs?

If you consumed the saturated fat from healthy, robust pigs at a festive gathering of friends?

... and if the festive gathering of friends was devoted to reading Shakespeare?

... and if your condition induces flatulence?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

To my Republican readers

Disclaimer: OK - it's not at all clear that I have ANY Republican readers... but just in case!

First, I assume that all of my Republican readers are somewhat sane, and not members of the wing-nut extreme.
That said: Your party has deserted you!

The current GOP is quite serious in its threats to put the U.S. into default - just to throw a tantrum 'cuz they're not getting their own way.

If you're in the habit of sending $$$ to the NRC, or the NRCC, or the NRSC, might I suggest that your dollars would be better spent - for the good of your country - by sending 'em to American Red Cross, your own favorite charity, or your church/synagogue/mosque?

Don't throw your $$$ away on folks who are determined to crater both the U.S. and the global economy for petty political ends.

Stop the madness!

Friday, January 4, 2013

I can't complain...

NM has two (2) Dem Senators, and my House district (NM1) is in Dem hands.
NM went for Obama - again - in 2012.
Right-wing lunacy? I've done my small part to avoid it in my small state.

Yes, please - let's crater the economy!

Debt Ceiling Showdown: GOP Pledges To Extract Cuts From Obama
The last time the House GOP threatened U.S. debt ceiling, S&P downgraded U.S. bonds... then they blamed Obama. So now they're gonna do it again? Stop the madness!