Tuesday, January 8, 2013

To my Republican readers

Disclaimer: OK - it's not at all clear that I have ANY Republican readers... but just in case!

First, I assume that all of my Republican readers are somewhat sane, and not members of the wing-nut extreme.
That said: Your party has deserted you!

The current GOP is quite serious in its threats to put the U.S. into default - just to throw a tantrum 'cuz they're not getting their own way.

If you're in the habit of sending $$$ to the NRC, or the NRCC, or the NRSC, might I suggest that your dollars would be better spent - for the good of your country - by sending 'em to American Red Cross, your own favorite charity, or your church/synagogue/mosque?

Don't throw your $$$ away on folks who are determined to crater both the U.S. and the global economy for petty political ends.

Stop the madness!

1 comment:

  1. no... we are all imperial, not republican's yes we can at all....et all
