Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Posting recently has been light.
Letter-writing - both personal & political - is pretty much non-existent.

I'm depressed. Entering year 8 of 'living with cancer' - wife with terminal cancer... she's feeling treatment is worse than the disease, and has started talking about purely palliative care.
I'm sole care-giver with few outlets.

One of the outlets used to be this blog - but recently I've had a hard time getting excited about the continuing depressing daily news.

Three options seem available:
1) snap out of it
2) seek professional help
3) continue to fall into the deep dark


  1. I'm so sorry Russ and cannot tell you I know what you mean. You have a friend though!

  2. I'm here any time you wish to talk. By all means get professional help, palliative care should be helping you with this.

  3. There's The League of Distinguished Gentleman Bloggers, ready to lend a hand/flagon/joint...
