Afghan insurgent leader captured... sort of reminds me of a "Kiss Me Kate" song:
"Another Op'nin', Another Show"... and, yeah, the quality of this particular performance seems to match our, uh, performance to date in Afghanistan.
Oh! a private buffoon is a light-hearted loon, If you listen to popular rumour; From the morn to the night he's so joyous and bright, And he bubbles with wit and good humour! He's so quaint and so terse, both in prose and in verse; Yet though people forgive his transgression, There are one or two rules that all family fools Must observe, if they love their profession. [Yeomen of the Guard, Gilbert & Sullivan]
Afghan insurgent leader captured... sort of reminds me of a "Kiss Me Kate" song:
"Another Op'nin', Another Show"... and, yeah, the quality of this particular performance seems to match our, uh, performance to date in Afghanistan.
Brilliant juxtaposition. That AP report just really sums it up...and it hurts me between my eyes, around my heart, and in the pit of my stomach. I started counting dead and wounded Americans, allies, and civilians and just had to stop. We just need to go. We can't afford either the strategy we've been following or the one Petraeus has adopted. If it's true we've got a year before Iran has nukes, do we really need those bases in Afghanistan?