Friday, September 3, 2010

Now, who's fault is this?

Fewer Young Voters See Themselves as Democrats
Why can't Dems communicate?

A couple of references suggest themselves.
Reference #1:
"If a person can't communicate, the least he can do is to shut up!"
[Tom Lehrer]
Reference #2:

Recall: "Reality has a well-known liberal bias!" (Stephen Colbert)
In the reality-based, data-supported world the DEMS have by far the better message! - WHY DO DEMS NOT COMMUNICATE THIS MESSAGE???


  1. having discussed this with some of my relatives under 30 they see the dems and the reps as labeling themselves as commited to each party's agenda and they like be independent of that. So they view themselves as independents.

  2. The best form of communication is action. Many of the young voted for Obama and the dems because they wanted to end these useless wars, and that hasn't happened. A little buyers remorse is setting in, but the alternative is to by not voting let the tea bag dimwits get elected.
