Michael Wiener, New Mexico Republican, Asked To Resign After Red Light District Photo Surfaces
Friday, April 27, 2012
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Nothing to say...
... but, of course, I'll post about it anyway.
I just read the news (NYT, Yahoo, HuffPost), and my favorite blogs.
There's nothing I feel deserves my comment.
"If a person can't communicate, the very least he can do is to shut up!"
- Tom Lehrer
I just read the news (NYT, Yahoo, HuffPost), and my favorite blogs.
There's nothing I feel deserves my comment.
"If a person can't communicate, the very least he can do is to shut up!"
- Tom Lehrer
Back in the good old days...
... when you bought a TV, you could plug it in and watch TV.
Now you have to pay - monthly - for the privilege.
Go figure.
GOP primaries...
... I missed 'em.
Apparently Mr. Mitt had a really good night and Mr. Newt not so great.
I was attending a concert by these guys:
Apparently Mr. Mitt had a really good night and Mr. Newt not so great.
I was attending a concert by these guys:
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
GOP talking points
Pinko, Socialist, Commie!
Un-American, ANTI-American!!!
Wealth-redistributing, Welfare Queen...
KENYA! Birth Certificate!!!
In 2008 Mayor Giuliani, running for U.S. President, was riducled for his campaign speeches:
This is known as "school-yard invective"... aka "BULLYING"!... serves no purpose, but it's a lotta fun.
Un-American, ANTI-American!!!
Wealth-redistributing, Welfare Queen...
KENYA! Birth Certificate!!!
In 2008 Mayor Giuliani, running for U.S. President, was riducled for his campaign speeches:
A noun, a verb, and "9/11".Seems the current GOP field has reverted to this rhetorical device... without the nouns and verbs. Just call Obama names.
This is known as "school-yard invective"... aka "BULLYING"!... serves no purpose, but it's a lotta fun.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Just outta curiosity...
... How come GOP Presidential hopefuls haven't promised to annihilate North Korea?
It does not play well with others.
It is the last bastion of a pure Communist state, with an autocratic leader completely out of touch with his subjects.
But Romney et al. are silent.
Could it be the simple fact that North Korea has no oil? (... not to suggest that Romney et al. are in the pocket of Big Oil...)
Just askin'.
North Korea issues unusually specific threatNorth Korea has a proven nuclear capability.
It does not play well with others.
It is the last bastion of a pure Communist state, with an autocratic leader completely out of touch with his subjects.
But Romney et al. are silent.
Could it be the simple fact that North Korea has no oil? (... not to suggest that Romney et al. are in the pocket of Big Oil...)
Just askin'.
A New Ad Campaign Won't Save the U.S. Postal ServiceYeah - I've seen the ad campaign. ... and I've read the news.
US Postal Service processing network too big: GAO reportA bit o' background:
The United States Postal Service (also known as USPS, the Post Office or U.S. Mail) is an independent agency of the United States government responsible for providing postal service in the United States. It is one of the few government agencies explicitly authorized by the United States Constitution. The USPS traces its roots to 1775 during the Second Continental Congress, where Benjamin Franklin was appointed the first postmaster general. The cabinet-level Post Office Department was created in 1792 from Franklin's operation and transformed into its current form in 1971 under the Postal Reorganization Act.[United States Postal Service]This re-organization was undertaken under that OTHER GOP President, Richard Nixon... in the interests of, you know, efficiency.
Before this re-organization, the United States Postal Service was the United States Post Office, a purely governmental organization. The re-org didn't change the basic function: deliver mail in a timely manner to every man, woman, and child in the U.S.
Today? USPS is expected to compete with FedEx and email.
Postal service is a BASIC government function. (Did you notice that reference to Ben Franklin in the Wikipedia summary?) For the price of a stamp I can pay my bills!... and so can anyone else in the U.S.!
Believe it or not, not everyone has a computer, access to on-line checking, access to email.
Every once in a while I go to my local convenience store, Circle K. Believe it or not, the folks in line in front of me are frequently buying money orders to pay their bills! ... intending to mail those money orders to their creditors, to pay their utilities, to pay their rent!
Government is not supposed to be EFFICIENT - it's supposed to be EQUITABLE, giving every citizen (that "We the people" bit) access to fundamental services. Postal service is a basic service.
Yeah - USPS loses money. So what? FUND IT!!! It's a basic service. (... who knows, maybe turn it into the "Post Office" again!)
Saturday, April 21, 2012
A very rare event
White Sox RHP Phil Humber throws perfect gameThere've been 20 perfect games pitched since 1900, including Mr. Humber's today. Congrats!
On the bright side...
... Yahoo News seems to be mostly a repeat of yesterday's news...
... I don't feel so bad about not posting.
Blogspot changed its formatting... OR - I'm being re-directed to different site by horrid virus!
Friday, April 20, 2012
Just for fun
Hookers Downgrade US Credit RatingNote: "Borowitz Report" items are available "this day only" - he doesn't link to specific posts.
Shortchanging by Secret Service Draws Strong Rebuke
Even conservative pundit, George Will, is starting to see the light!
There are two GOP-friendly arguments AGAINST prohibition of drugs:
Stop the madness!!!
Should the U.S. legalize hard drugs?In the 1920s, H.L. Mencken wrote a series of articles damning Prohibition... on exactly the same grounds: the social cost of alcohol addiction is FAR LESS than the cost of enforecment... and PROHIBITION simply creates a well-organized criminal class!
By George F. Will, Published: April 11
Amelioration of today’s drug problem requires Americans to understand the significance of the 80-20 ratio. Twenty percent of American drinkers consume 80 percent of the alcohol sold here. The same 80-20 split obtains among users of illicit drugs.
In “Drugs and Drug Policy: What Everyone Needs to Know,” policy analysts Mark Kleiman, Jonathan Caulkins and Angela Hawken argue that imprisoning low-ranking street-corner dealers is pointless: A $200 transaction can cost society $100,000 for a three-year sentence. And imprisoning large numbers of dealers produces an army of people who, emerging from prison with blighted employment prospects, can only deal drugs. Which is why, although a few years ago Washington, D.C., dealers earned an average of $30 an hour, today they earn less than the federal minimum wage ($7.25).
There are two GOP-friendly arguments AGAINST prohibition of drugs:
1. Why, exactly, is it the Government's job to tell ME what to do with my body? If I choose to kill myself, isn't that MY business??? - this oughta appeal to the Ron Paul libertarian conservative.... in addition, our draconian drug policies deprive LOTS of third-world countries of their only viable export!... and we create the horrid 'drug cartels' of Columbia & Mexico!!!
2. From a cost-benefit persepective, the War on Drugs JUST ISN'T WORKING! The social costs of drug use - even hard drugs - is FAR LESS than the cost of enforcement! - shouldn't this appeal to the 'fiscally conservative', Mitt Romney branch of the GOP.
Stop the madness!!!
Dems are bad for biz! (redux)
Wall Street jumps on solid corporate earningsYep - that damn Socialist, Obama, is just CRUEL to business!
By Chuck Mikolajczak | Reuters
20 Apr 2012
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Stocks rose on Friday, putting the S&P 500 on pace for its biggest gain in the past five weeks, after earnings from a slew of bellwether companies propelled what has been a solid earnings season to date.
[emphasis added]
Happy 4/20
420 friendlyFor an extensive discussion of "420" (or "4/20"), see:
4/20: How 'Weed Day' Got Its Name
[tip o' the hat to loyal reader, melisandre!]
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
My bad
Secret Service Agents Out Following Colombia Prostitution ScandalI'm sorry, but every time a prostitution scandal breaks I can't help thinking:
Breaking News: Men Pay for Sex!!! - Shocking!!!!!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Dems are Bad for Business!
Monday, April 16, 2012
It's Obama's fault!
Even Karzai is asking!
Taliban attack shows failure by NATO: Afghanistan's KarzaiYep - it's a failed mission.
Let's declare VICTORY and get the f**k outta there!... NOW!!!
Stop the madness.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Tell me again: why are we there?
Taliban attacks: Militant group claims responsibility for embassy assault in Kabul, prison raid in Pakistan"Embassy assault in Kabul"???... isn't this the ONE place we pretend to actually control?
We got bin Laden.
Mullah Omar is still at large, but no one seems to care.
Why are we still in Afghanistan?
Stop the madness!
They Lie!
Taliban Attacks Hit Several Sites Across Afghanistan CapitalWe KNOW this isn't true!
President's Remarks in "Focus on Education with President Bush" EventW told us EIGHT years ago that "Taliban no longer is in existence".
September 2004
... And as a result of the United States military, Taliban no longer is in existence. And the people of Afghanistan are now free.
[emphasis added]
How DARE the liberal media now assert that Taliban are attacking sites in Afghanistan?
Stop the madness!!!
Two anniversaries
15 April 1912: Titanic sinks.
15 April 2011: Teresa T. Sype dies.
I'll mourn 'em both.
15 April 2011: Teresa T. Sype dies.
I'll mourn 'em both.
Saturday, April 14, 2012
A Talmudic Tale
Vayeishev: "They went that-a-way!"Yes!
By Michael Carasik
Arlo Guthrie, the Jewish folk singer, likes to call him "the 'they-went-that-a-way' guy." He is the man who tells Joseph where to find his brothers. If Joseph did not find them, Guthrie points out, his brothers would have no opportunity to throw him into a pit and he would not have been sold down to Egypt. Everything that naturally follows would also fail to occur: Joseph would not be able to interpret Pharaoh's dream; there would have been a famine in Egypt as well as Israel; Jacob and his sons would not go to Egypt, grow into a nation there, be enslaved, and then be freed; and there would be no story to tell—no Bible and thus no Western civilization. All because one guy was at the right place at the right time to say, "They went that-a-way."
To recap the situation: Joseph (in the first of the three sets of two dreams that structure this story) has dreamed that his family would bow down to him. He has told his father and brothers of the dreams, and his brothers hate him because of them. The brothers have taken Jacob's flocks to the vicinity of Shechem to pasture them, and Jacob sends Joseph to find out how they are.
When Jacob gets there, however, the flocks and the brothers are gone, and "a man" (Gen. 37:15) finds him wandering aimlessly in the field. "What are you looking for?" the man asks. "For my brothers," Joseph replies. "Tell me, where are they pasturing?" The man tells him, "I heard them saying, 'Let's go to Dothan.'" Joseph follows them to Dothan . . . and the rest is history. Make that "History" with a capital H.
In plain English—who was this man? Rashi (France, 1040–1105), the most famous of the traditional Jewish commentators on the Bible, explains: "It was Gabriel." In Daniel 9:21, this angel is referred to as "the man, Gabriel." So obviously when an unidentified character called simply "the man" tells Joseph where his brothers are, it must be Gabriel.
In Back to the Sources, Edward Greenstein's "Medieval Bible Commentaries" chapter contains a complete discussion of this passage, along with a wonderful introduction to the world of the medieval commentators and a delightful skit turning their comments on Gen. 37:15 into a conversation. For now, it's enough to look at the comment of Nahmanides (Spain–Israel, 1195–ca. 1270), who explains:The Holy One provided Joseph with an unwitting guide in order to give him into his brothers' hands. That is what our Sages meant when they said that such men are "angels." This is not just a story; its purpose is to let us know that "The human mind may devise many schemes, but it is the Lord's plan that is accomplished" (Prov. 19:21).The Hebrew word for an angel is malakh, but this is simply the word for a messenger, someone who is sent (whether by God or by a human being) to accomplish a particular task or melakhah. Nahmanides' understanding of our story is that this man was in the countryside near Shechem for his own purposes and merely happened to overhear the brothers and then to encounter Joseph. But, says Nahmanides, such things do not really just "happen." This man had no idea that God was using him to start the Israelites on their way to slavery in Egypt. It was not really Gabriel—but calling Gabriel "the man" was a hint to us, the readers of the story, that this man going about his own business was also, unwittingly, going about God's business.
And this is what Nahmanides would call a miracle. He was, of course, well aware of the flashier kind of miracle, of which the Bible is full: the splitting of the Red Sea, the sun standing still for Joshua, and so on. But Nahmanides insisted that there were many, many more "natural miracles." That is, many events that seem to be following the ordinary course of nature are in fact, independent of whatever human scheme they are intended to further, arranged by God to accomplish the divine plan.
Is that really true? By definition, we can never know. Those who pray for a miracle may be hoping for the kind that is accompanied by special effects, but most people's experience suggests that any miracles that occur nowadays are likely to be of the natural kind. If you are hoping for a miracle that has not yet occurred, you may or may not take comfort in the recent suggestion of another Jewish singer, Kobi Oz, that your miracle is probably on its way, but has gotten stuck in a "Traffic Jam of Miracles." The more miracles there are, the harder they are to schedule.
The other message to take away from Rashi's and Nahmanides' comments on our story is a bit more surprising. Miracles of this "natural" kind would be done not just for you—but by you. When you give a stranger directions, step aside to let someone pass, or hold the elevator door, you may be doing an unwitting miracle of your own. All it takes to save Western civilization (it seems) is finding the right moment to say, "They went that-a-way."
When you give a stranger directions, step aside to let someone pass, or hold the elevator door, you may be doing an unwitting miracle of your own. All it takes to save Western civilization (it seems) is finding the right moment to say, "They went that-a-way."
Friday, April 13, 2012
Friday the 13th
Paraskevidekatriaphobics — people afflicted with a morbid, irrational fear of Friday the 13th.
Legend has it: Never change your bed on Friday; it will bring bad dreams. If you cut your nails on Friday, you cut them for sorrow. Don't start a trip on Friday or you will encounter misfortune. Ships that set sail on a Friday will have bad luck, as in the tale of H.M.S. Friday. One hundred years ago, the British government sought to quell the longstanding superstition among seamen that setting sail on Fridays was unlucky. A special ship was commissioned and given the name "H.M.S. Friday." They laid her keel on a Friday, launched her on a Friday, selected her crew on a Friday, and hired a man named Jim Friday to be her captain. To top it off, H.M.S. Friday embarked on her maiden voyage on a Friday — and was never seen or heard from again.
[from the website Why Friday the 13th Is Unlucky]
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Just asking...
How did
How come the NRA is dictating the terms of this debate???
... oops, my bad!
They have $$$ - tons of it!
Stop the madness!
... the right of the people to keep and bear Arms...become
... the right to shoot anyone you don't like?Again, just asking.
How come the NRA is dictating the terms of this debate???
... oops, my bad!
They have $$$ - tons of it!
Stop the madness!
I really DO need a maid!
Now you can order a topless maid just like a pizza... I'm single (in a relationship, but we don't live together). I've 5 cats and a dog. The 'house-cleaning' bit is something I don't do well.
By Taylor Bigler - The Daily Caller
11 April 2012
If you’ve ever asked your significant other to clean in the buff and you were rebuffed — and you happen to live in Texas — think about calling Lubbock Fantasy Maid Service.
For $100 per hour, Melissa Borrett, who started the company in February, will clean your house in lingerie or completely topless. For $50 more, you can order two topless maids at the same time.
A topless maid, for just $100/hour?
Sure, why not?
I'm pretty sure the animals will appreciate it... I mean, just having a clean house!
North Korean Rocket Launch Fails: US OfficialsDon't get me wrong - I'm NOT a big fan of North Korea... BUT: Why are WE held accountable for North Korea's bad behavior?
By ALYSSA NEWCOMB (@alyssanewcomb)
ABC News, April 12, 2012
An anticipated missile launch by North Korea failed today when the country fired the long-range test rocket in defiance of U.N. Security Council resolutions and an agreement with the United States.
The 90-ton rocket launched with a larger than anticipated flare. But U.S. officials said that the missile is believed to have crashed into the sea.
Foreign policy
North Korea launched an orbital rocket today.
Syria's Assad continues to kill Syrians.
I can't help thinking that America's foreign policy would be a whole lot simpler if we hadn't decided that we, without sanction from anyone, "bear America’s global responsibilities". (These are the words of John Bolton & John Yoo: Hands Off the Heavens... two of my least respected sources.)
WHAT "global responsibilities"???
Who, exactly, appointed us the world's policeman???
Why, exactly, do we insist on this role???
These questions fall under the rubric Things I don't understand.
Syria's Assad continues to kill Syrians.
I can't help thinking that America's foreign policy would be a whole lot simpler if we hadn't decided that we, without sanction from anyone, "bear America’s global responsibilities". (These are the words of John Bolton & John Yoo: Hands Off the Heavens... two of my least respected sources.)
WHAT "global responsibilities"???
Who, exactly, appointed us the world's policeman???
Why, exactly, do we insist on this role???
These questions fall under the rubric Things I don't understand.
Stupidest headline ever!
What kind of car would President Obama be?THIS is what passes for 'journalism' today!
Things I don't understand
Some time ago I posted Things I don't understand
- GIVING $$$ to wealthy is good for the economy, BUT TAKING $$$ from middle-class is good for the economy.
- W's off-budget wars ($1.3 TRILLION) aren't a problem, BUT Obama is to blame for the deficit.
- Sanctioning Iran, restricting Iran's oil exports - this is GOOD. BUT, high price of gasolene is BAD!
- the so-called "Patriot Act" - allowing Feds to monitor my every move - is GOOD! BUT, so-called "ObamaCare" infringes on my Constitutional liberty.
- Mitt Romney - the multi-millionaire whose wife drives two Cadillacs - claims Obama is 'out of touch'.
I'd be very happy if anyone could explain this stuff to me!
Some things I understand; most things I don't. Sometimes I worry that the ratio, (understand/don't), is approaching zero. Most of the time I don't.Recently, many of the things I don't understand are GOP orthodoxy:
- GIVING $$$ to wealthy is good for the economy, BUT TAKING $$$ from middle-class is good for the economy.
- W's off-budget wars ($1.3 TRILLION) aren't a problem, BUT Obama is to blame for the deficit.
- Sanctioning Iran, restricting Iran's oil exports - this is GOOD. BUT, high price of gasolene is BAD!
- the so-called "Patriot Act" - allowing Feds to monitor my every move - is GOOD! BUT, so-called "ObamaCare" infringes on my Constitutional liberty.
- Mitt Romney - the multi-millionaire whose wife drives two Cadillacs - claims Obama is 'out of touch'.
I'd be very happy if anyone could explain this stuff to me!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
An inadvertent comment on Presidential politics
From Camus's The Myth of Sisyphus:
... Perhaps this post would be better titled, "An inadvertent comment on American politics", or "An inadvertent comment on Democratic aspirations":
"The struggle itself...is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy."Yes - one MUST imagine Sisyphus happy!
... Perhaps this post would be better titled, "An inadvertent comment on American politics", or "An inadvertent comment on Democratic aspirations":
"The struggle itself... is enough to fill a man's heart."In our struggle with the GOP's lies and fear-mongering, yes - we MUST imagine ourselves happy!
Europe: socialist welfare state... now THIS!
Study: Fungus behind bat die-off came from EuropeJust in case you think this has no bearing on your life:
If Bats Went Extinct, Insects Would Smother Humanity W/in 5 YearsI fully expect Mr. Romney to exploit this in up-coming anti-Obama ads!
I could be in trouble...
... I agree with Condi Rice!
(Actually, I know the answer: when Lou Dobbs woke up one morning and decided that Mexicans were evil!)
Condoleezza Rice: 'I Don't Know When Immigrants Became The Enemy'Yes - when, indeed!
The Huffington Post | By Nick Wing
Posted: 04/11/2012
Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice spoke on a variety of topics in front of a crowd at Duke University Tuesday night, offering a particular criticism of the nation's stance on immigration.
"That immigrant culture that has renewed us ... has been at the core of our strength," she said, according to the The Raleigh News & Observer. "I don't know when immigrants became the enemy."
[emphasis added]
(Actually, I know the answer: when Lou Dobbs woke up one morning and decided that Mexicans were evil!)
Fiscally responsible Republicans
Gingrich Campaign Leaving Trail Of Unpaid Bills In Its Wake... and THIS is the guy that wants to 'fix' the U.S. economy???
The fringe?
Allen West: I've 'Heard' 80 House Democrats Are Communist Party MembersIt'd be nice to believe that Rep. West is simply an extremist who does not represent the Grand Old Party.
... BUT: given today's political climate, I'm not so sure...
In 2008 - again during an election year - Rep. Michelle Bachmann accused then-Senator Obama of being 'anti-American', and called for a media investigation of all members of Congress to determine just who - and how many - held 'anti-American' views.
The GOP has adopted fear as its single commodity - the only thing it can peddle.
It's sorta sad that the Party of Lincoln has sunk so low.
... it's even sadder that it seems to be pulling MY COUNTRY down with it!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Endorsements: a two-edged sword
Every Candidate Endorsed by God Has Now Lost to Mitt Romney
Dan Amira, NY Magazine
12 April 2012
The end — sorry, um, suspension — of Rick Santorum's presidential campaign is a major milestone in the primary race, clearing the way, as it does, for Mitt Romney to cruise here on out to the nomination essentially unchallenged. But Santorum's withdrawal is also a major milestone for God, the beloved all-powerful deity whose personal endorsement somehow failed to secure the nomination for any of the numerous Republicans — Santorum, Herman Cain, Michele Bachmann, and Rick Perry — whom he reportedly encouraged to run for president. It is unclear at this point whether God will even bother to offer anyone his apparently useless endorsement in the general election.
These guys need more tax breaks!
Apple Market Cap Hits $600 BillionFolks, it's not just Apple.
Fortune 500 companies are SITTING on piles of $$$.
They're not investing.
They're not hiring.
They're SITTING on piles of $$$.
... BUT: the GOP wants to GIVE 'em even more $$$!!!
Stop the madness.
Life can begin BEFORE conception!
Arizona Abortion Bill: Legislators Pass Three Bills, Including One That Redefines When Life BeginsOkay - Buffoon every once in a while goes out on a limb and makes predictions about the future... BUT: I've NEVER tried to legislate my pre-cognition!
John Celock, HuffPost
12 April 2012
Arizona lawmakers gave final passage to three anti-abortion bills Tuesday afternoon, including one that declares pregnancies in the state begin two weeks before conception.
A sentence in the bill defines gestational age as "calculated from the first day of the last menstrual period of the pregnant woman," which would move the beginning of a pregnancy up two weeks prior to conception.
"Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future."
[attributed to both Niels Bohr (Nobel Prize-winning physicist) and Yogi Berra (NY Yankees catcher)]
If Florida weren't so populous...
... we wouldn't be reading this headline:
I note that we long ago normalized relations with the largest Communist country in the world: China.
But we still can't recognize Cuba.
'Cuz southern Florida has a very large Cuban-exile population! - and they just HATE Castro. (Can't say that I blame 'em... but still!)
If 'twere possible to win a Presidential election without winning Florida, this would not be an issue... but it's not.
(Only NY, TX, and CA have more electoral votes!)
Miami Marlins Manager Ozzie Guillen Apologizes for 'I Love Castro' RemarkWith 27 electoral votes, Florida figures prominently in national elections.
I note that we long ago normalized relations with the largest Communist country in the world: China.
But we still can't recognize Cuba.
'Cuz southern Florida has a very large Cuban-exile population! - and they just HATE Castro. (Can't say that I blame 'em... but still!)
If 'twere possible to win a Presidential election without winning Florida, this would not be an issue... but it's not.
(Only NY, TX, and CA have more electoral votes!)
A nation of immigrants
We are - most of us - immigrants or descendants of immigrants... most of us 'undocumented'.
[Me? To the extent that I know - German, Welsh (dad); Polish, English (mom)]
The Founding Document that GOPers love to cite is the Declaration of Independence, usually referencing that bit about being endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights.
Most of the document is a legal brief against King George III.
Among the many specific torts alleged is the following:
The current anti-immigration frenzy has created situations like this one:
[Me? To the extent that I know - German, Welsh (dad); Polish, English (mom)]
The Founding Document that GOPers love to cite is the Declaration of Independence, usually referencing that bit about being endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights.
Most of the document is a legal brief against King George III.
Among the many specific torts alleged is the following:
He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.Yep - the Founding Fathers faulted King George for restricting immigration!
The current anti-immigration frenzy has created situations like this one:
Living the DREAM: Undocumented Youth Build Lives in AmericaAll because Lou Dobbs woke up one day and decided Mexicans were evil!
Julia Lurie, The Atlantic
10 April 2012
When he reaches for his earliest memories, Nico Lopez recalls clenching his small fists around his seat belt buckle and straining to listen to the smiling flight attendant's directions for take-off. As he watched Guatemala City disappear beneath him, he pulled his feet onto the seat, wrapped his arms around his knees, and quietly began to cry. It was 2001, and Nico was seven years old.
Now a tall, quietly confident young man with dark hair and green eyes, Nico will soon graduate with honors from a public high school in Stamford, Connecticut. Despite having grown up in a neighborhood where gunfire is likened to the doorbell ringing -- you hear it all the time and don't really think much of it -- he is the leader of the student government, often the only non-white member of his AP classes, and, in his spare time, an English tutor for recent immigrants.
You know how the rest of the American dream story is supposed to go: Nico receives a merit-based scholarship to college and finds a job that helps him support his mother, who has worked as a housekeeper for the past 17 years. He gets married, has second-generation kids, and serves as a shining example of how any American can succeed if he tries hard enough.
Except Nico isn't technically American. He overstayed his tourist visa as a seven-year-old and is now one of over 2 million immigrant youth who entered the United States as minors and now live here illegally. Federal law prohibits Nico from going to college at a public university, while, somewhat counterintuitively, Connecticut state law gives Nico access to in-state tuition though not financial aid.
As a result, Nico's choices lie along a cruel spectrum. On one end, he could adopt the tricks of the trade of living as an undocumented person in America: he could find a low-paying job that pays cash under the table, have a friend at the DMV make a license for him, go to doctors who don't require social security numbers or insurance cards, and sweet-talk bank tellers into opening accounts. Like the vast majority of undocumented residents, Nico could squeeze into America's shadowy corners, away from the attention of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
Bye-bye, Rick!
Rick Santorum concedes to Mitt Romney in phone call, meets the pressThe GOP primary season now gets REALLY boring.
Aside: Rick - best to you and yours. You've chosen to concentrate on family during time of need - good for you!
Monday, April 9, 2012
I was wrong
Not too long ago I predicted that Mr. Newt would stay in the race forever, if only to do everything in his power to destroy Mr. Mitt.
Since that bold prediction, Mr. Newt HAS stayed in the race, but has been remarkably mild towards Mr. Mitt...
... and today it appears that Mr. Newt is conceding Mr. Mitt's nomination, and promising his on-going support:
Since that bold prediction, Mr. Newt HAS stayed in the race, but has been remarkably mild towards Mr. Mitt...
... and today it appears that Mr. Newt is conceding Mr. Mitt's nomination, and promising his on-going support:
Gingrich all but quits presidential campaignUnlike most prognosticators, Buffoon DOES check from time to time to see just how well he has seen into the future... and reports the results!
Rachel Rose Hartman | The Ticket
9 Apr 2012
This week, Newt Gingrich will hold events in North Carolina, New York, Delaware and Missouri as he maintains a packed 2012 campaign schedule. But the former House speaker's activity belies what is quickly becoming the certain end of his presidential bid.
Asked by "Fox News Sunday" host Brit Hume Sunday if he's resigned to the idea of Mitt Romney as the Republican nominee, Gingrich flatly agreed. "Well, I think you have to be realistic, given the size of his organization, given the number of primaries he's won. He is far and away the most likely Republican nominee," Gingrich said, adding a preemptive endorsement. "And if he does get to 1,144 delegates, I'll support him. I'll do everything I can this fall to help him defeat Obama."
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Another leading indicator that economy is improving
GOP Rep. Vicky Hartzler: ‘I Have Doubts That It Is Really His Real Birth Certificate’Yep - job creation is up, retail sales are up, consumer confidence is up, S&P and Dow are up, inflation is under control... Must be time to resurrect Birtherism!
Doesn't he know this is a Christian nation?
President Obama wishes Jews, Christians happy Passover, EasterHappy Passover???
Get with the program, Barack!
Next thing ya know, he'll be in the pocket of the Muslim Brotherhood!
oops!... oh, yeah:
Joe Walsh: Obama Should Distance Himself From Muslim Brotherhood
I shoulda been paying attention
2012 is the 225th birthday of the U.S. Constitution - signed 17 Sep 1787; ratified June 21, 1788 (New Hampshire - the 9th state to ratify); implemented 4 March 1789. [Things moved more slowly in the 18th century!]
Today - 8 April - is the birthday of the 17th Amendment, establishing direct election of Senators:
Today - 8 April - is the birthday of the 17th Amendment, establishing direct election of Senators:
The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures.Some folks were and are unhappy with this Amendment, as direct election turns the Upper House over to 'mob rule' - stripping the presumably better-informed, more level-headed members of state legislatures of the right and obligation to select Senators, making the Senate less patrician and more attentive to current political whims. As originally conceived, the Senate was a 'patrician' House - with Senators representing the well-informed, intellectual, propertied class.
When vacancies happen in the representation of any State in the Senate, the executive authority of such State shall issue writs of election to fill such vacancies: Provided, That the legislature of any State may empower the executive thereof to make temporary appointments until the people fill the vacancies by election as the legislature may direct.
This amendment shall not be so construed as to affect the election or term of any Senator chosen before it becomes valid as part of the Constitution.
[ratified 8 April 1913]
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Friday, April 6, 2012
Begins sunset of April 6 to nightfall of 13 April / 14 April (7th day).
Passover is a Jewish holiday and festival. It commemorates the story of the Exodus, in which the ancient Israelites were freed from slavery in Egypt. Passover begins on the 15th day of the month of Nisan in the Jewish calendar, which is in spring in the Northern Hemisphere, and is celebrated for seven or eight days. It is one of the most widely observed Jewish holidays.There are worse ways to spend this Friday evening!
In the narrative of the Exodus, the Bible tells that God helped the Children of Israel escape slavery in Egypt by inflicting ten plagues upon the Egyptians before the Pharaoh would release his Israelite slaves; the tenth and worst of the plagues was the slaughter of the first-born. The Israelites were instructed to mark the doorposts of their homes with the blood of a spring lamb and, upon seeing this, the spirit of the Lord knew to pass over these homes, hence the name of the holiday[clarification needed]. There is some debate over where the term is actually derived from When the Pharaoh freed the Israelites, it is said that they left in such a hurry that they could not wait for bread dough to rise (leaven). In commemoration, for the duration of Passover no leavened bread is eaten, for which reason it is called "The Festival of the Unleavened Bread". Matzo (flat unleavened bread) is a symbol of the holiday.
[Wikipedia, Passover]
Thursday, April 5, 2012
More delusional than I thought...
Mitt Romney: Obama 'Spent Too Much Time At Harvard,' Also A Year Less Than I DidOn the bright side: no mention of birth certificate!
Mitt Romney continued his verbal assault on President Obama on Thursday, accusing him of spending "too much time at Harvard" while speaking at a rooftop event in Harrisburg, Penn.
It's an odd attack coming from a fellow Harvard graduate, especially considering Romney spent more time at the Ivy League institution than Obama did.
Romney enrolled in a four-year program at Harvard in 1971, eventually earning a joint JD and MBA and graduating cum laude in 1975. In 1988, Obama began attending Harvard Law School. He spent three years there, eventually becoming president of the Harvard Law Review before graduating magna cum laude and receiving his JD in 1991. That's four years for Romney, three for Obama.
Time to trot out 'birth certificate' bit again...
Jobless claims fall to lowest since 2008... of course the guy who pays 14% tax on millions, and whose wife drives two Caddies will once again claim that the incumbent is wrecking... something. Who knows what?
Maybe a kewpie doll...
Rick Santorum on Pennsylvania: ‘We are going to win’

Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Mitt Romney Claims President Obama Will 'End Medicare'uh... isn't that the GOP position???
... and, since it IS the GOP position, oughtn't now Mr. Mitt start campaigning actively for Obama?
The Supremes
... and I keep wanting to ask Samuel Alito how it feels to know that in W's opinion, he was the 2nd-best choice... after Harriet Miers!
Me? I'd much prefer to trust Dianna Ross, Mary Wilson, and Florence Ballard with policy decisions than the current sitting bunch of five!
Me? I'd much prefer to trust Dianna Ross, Mary Wilson, and Florence Ballard with policy decisions than the current sitting bunch of five!
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Answering my own question...
Why are we asking this question?
The U.S. is a weak, threatened nation.
We are vulnerable to attack from all quarters.
We must remain ever-vigilant.
I'm sorry, folks, but in my world, the U.S. is NOT a weak, threatened nation.
We are a vibrant, strong nation... and worrying about the bogey-man is an absurd waste of time and energy.
Let's move forward!
What is America’s biggest national security threat?Answer: 'Cuz the GOP has managed - again - to frame the narrative.
The U.S. is a weak, threatened nation.
We are vulnerable to attack from all quarters.
We must remain ever-vigilant.
I'm sorry, folks, but in my world, the U.S. is NOT a weak, threatened nation.
We are a vibrant, strong nation... and worrying about the bogey-man is an absurd waste of time and energy.
Let's move forward!
Why are we asking this question?
What is America’s biggest national security threat?... I'm not sure I agree with the headline, but I DO find it bizarre that we're asking the question.
... the headline?America’s Biggest National Security Threat: U.S. Debt
Monday, April 2, 2012
This I like!
Illinois sheriff introduces jail chess program
DON BABWIN | Associated Press
2 Apr 2012
CHICAGO (AP) — Call it the Sheriff's Gambit.
A sheriff in Illinois is turning to kings, queens and rooks to help teach inmates at his jail not to behave like pawns.
Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart launched a chess program at the county jail in Chicago. The law enforcement officer, known for making unusual moves in the name of justice, hopes inmates can take what they learn from a game that rewards patience and problem-solving and apply it to their own lives.
Mitt & "Full Disclosure" - he don't!
Mr. Mitt has called upon Mr. Barack to fire Ken Salazar (Interior Sec'y), Steven Chu (Energy Sec'y), and Lisa Jackson (head of EPA), on the grounds that these three are conspiring to raise the price of gasoline via imposition of ever-increasing tax on gas.
What Mr. Mitt doesn't tell you is that his senior econominc advisor, Greg Mankiw, has advocated just this position!
What Mr. Mitt doesn't tell you is that his senior econominc advisor, Greg Mankiw, has advocated just this position!
TAX BADS RATHER THAN GOODS A good rule of thumb is that when you tax something, you get less of it. That means that taxes on hard work, saving and entrepreneurial risk-taking impede these fundamental drivers of economic growth. The alternative is to tax those things we would like to get less of.Ah, Mitt, we wish we knew ye!
Consider the tax on gasoline. Driving your car is associated with various adverse side effects, which economists call externalities. These include traffic congestion, accidents, local pollution and global climate change. If the tax on gasoline were higher, people would alter their behavior to drive less. They would be more likely to take public transportation, use car pools or live closer to work.
The incentives they face when deciding how much to drive would more closely match the true social costs and benefits. Economists who have added up all the externalities associated with driving conclude that a tax exceeding $2 a gallon makes sense. That would provide substantial revenue that could be used to reduce other taxes. By taxing bad things more, we could tax good things less.
[NYT, 22 Jan 2012]
Carrot and Stick
I've frequently noted that it would've been a whole lot cheaper for us to offer Saddam a deal he couldn't refuse: buy all his oil at double or triple then-prevailing market price. This would've been LOTS cheaper than going to war with him!
We've been using stick against Iran, in the form of sanctions.
Doesn't seem to be working.
How 'bout trying a carrot?
Let's suppose that following Obama's re-election, oil prices drop dramatically.
This is NOT an unreasonable proposition (see graphs in preceding post).
... say $40/bbl is the prevailing market price.
We offer to buy ALL Iran's oil for double that price - $80/bbl.
Iran exports around 3Mn bbls/day.
That'd cost us about $88Bn/year.
We'll make the deal for 4 years.
Of course there would be strings attached.
IAEA and anyone else who wants to inspect Iran's nuclear facilities would be welcomed with open arms.
There would be NO movement toward developing a nuclear weapon.
On the plus side: this is $$$ directly from U.S. tax-payers - and we just GIVE the oil to our Big Oil buds. They don't have to pay one red cent for it.
(Of course, they would have to pay for transport & refining... )
That $88Bn/year works out to about $350Bn over 4 years.
Based on cost of Iraq war, 4 years of war with Iran would cost about $356Bn.
We save $6Bn with my plan.
... AND - our Big Oil buds get the oil for FREE!
We've been using stick against Iran, in the form of sanctions.
Doesn't seem to be working.
How 'bout trying a carrot?
Let's suppose that following Obama's re-election, oil prices drop dramatically.
This is NOT an unreasonable proposition (see graphs in preceding post).
... say $40/bbl is the prevailing market price.
We offer to buy ALL Iran's oil for double that price - $80/bbl.
Iran exports around 3Mn bbls/day.
That'd cost us about $88Bn/year.
We'll make the deal for 4 years.
Of course there would be strings attached.
IAEA and anyone else who wants to inspect Iran's nuclear facilities would be welcomed with open arms.
There would be NO movement toward developing a nuclear weapon.
On the plus side: this is $$$ directly from U.S. tax-payers - and we just GIVE the oil to our Big Oil buds. They don't have to pay one red cent for it.
(Of course, they would have to pay for transport & refining... )
That $88Bn/year works out to about $350Bn over 4 years.
Based on cost of Iraq war, 4 years of war with Iran would cost about $356Bn.
We save $6Bn with my plan.
... AND - our Big Oil buds get the oil for FREE!
Just in case any GOPer tells you gas prices are today at record highs:
Nope, they're not - the record high was under W's administration!
[Note: price started going up just as soon as we invaded Iraq! - yep, this is a REAL cause-effect relationship!... but none of the war-mongering GOPers today seem to care.]
Price of oil?
Same story. Fairly steady till W's invasion of Iraq. Record? About $140/bbl.
... and do any of the GOPers ever wonder if their strident militancy towards Iran might just have something to do with price of crude on the up-swing???
Just for grins: Obama's inauguration brought prices WAY down, really fast.
... 'Tis been GOP's threats against Iran, and insistence on punishing Iran since then that's caused oil & gas to steadily increase!

Nope, they're not - the record high was under W's administration!
[Note: price started going up just as soon as we invaded Iraq! - yep, this is a REAL cause-effect relationship!... but none of the war-mongering GOPers today seem to care.]
Price of oil?

... and do any of the GOPers ever wonder if their strident militancy towards Iran might just have something to do with price of crude on the up-swing???
Just for grins: Obama's inauguration brought prices WAY down, really fast.
... 'Tis been GOP's threats against Iran, and insistence on punishing Iran since then that's caused oil & gas to steadily increase!
Being politically incorrect... and explaining Mitt's flip-flops
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) has an "open scripture". This means that the Church President can - and does - receive God's word, today, and is free to change Church doctrine in response to these revelations.
Till 1978 the LDS Church held that blacks were inferior to whites - a status determined by God Almighty.
The Church's President then had a revelation.
"Oops - sorry! Blacks are equal before God!"
I suspect this attitude towards DOCTRINE goes a long way to explaining Mitt's pliability regarding just about everything.
No belief is carved in stone, no position is absolute...
... He could have a revelation tomorrow.
[I'm betting that some future Mormon prophet will have a revelation that, in fact, gay marriage is just hunky-dory!]
Till 1978 the LDS Church held that blacks were inferior to whites - a status determined by God Almighty.
The Church's President then had a revelation.
"Oops - sorry! Blacks are equal before God!"
I suspect this attitude towards DOCTRINE goes a long way to explaining Mitt's pliability regarding just about everything.
No belief is carved in stone, no position is absolute...
... He could have a revelation tomorrow.
[I'm betting that some future Mormon prophet will have a revelation that, in fact, gay marriage is just hunky-dory!]
From a far-flung correspondent
"An anthropologist proposed a game to African tribe kids. He put a basket full of fruit near a tree and told them that whoever got there first won the sweet fruits. When he told them to run they all took each others hands and ran together, then sat together enjoying their treats. When he asked them why they had run like that as one could have had all the fruits for himself they said: UBUNTU, how can one of us be happy if all the other ones are sad?
UBUNTU in the Xhosa culture means: "I am because we are".
Economics 101 (again...)
(Why do I bother?)
Gross Domestic Product: GDP.
GDP = private consumption + gross investment + government spending + (exports − imports)
In the modern U.S. economy, that 'private consumption' term accounts for close to 70% of GDP.
"Private Consumption" = folks buying stuff.
Giving tax breaks to investors (the GOP's so-called "job creators") is pointless as a spur to the economy. Investors constitute that "gross investment" term.
Why invest (in capital equipment, factories, workers) when no one has any $$$ to buy the goods and services you produce?
The current recession derives from depressed DEMAND, not lack of supply.
Business statistics confirm this: firms are SITTING ON tons of $$$, waiting for the economy to rebound.
The economy will rebound when folks have jobs!... and are earning $$$ to SPEND! - generating DEMAND.
How best to quickly generate JOBS?
The third term in the equation: GOVERNMENT SPENDING!!!
Build/repair roads and bridges, fund education, fund healtcare.
In GOP parlance, "fiscal responsibility" means CUTTING government programs - withdrawing $$$ from the economy, killing jobs... and thereby reducing employment, reducing tax revenue, ... and making the U.S. economy WORSE!
Folks, this isn't rocket science, but your friendly GOP hasn't a clue.
Gross Domestic Product: GDP.
GDP = private consumption + gross investment + government spending + (exports − imports)
In the modern U.S. economy, that 'private consumption' term accounts for close to 70% of GDP.
"Private Consumption" = folks buying stuff.
Giving tax breaks to investors (the GOP's so-called "job creators") is pointless as a spur to the economy. Investors constitute that "gross investment" term.
Why invest (in capital equipment, factories, workers) when no one has any $$$ to buy the goods and services you produce?
The current recession derives from depressed DEMAND, not lack of supply.
Business statistics confirm this: firms are SITTING ON tons of $$$, waiting for the economy to rebound.
The economy will rebound when folks have jobs!... and are earning $$$ to SPEND! - generating DEMAND.
How best to quickly generate JOBS?
The third term in the equation: GOVERNMENT SPENDING!!!
Build/repair roads and bridges, fund education, fund healtcare.
In GOP parlance, "fiscal responsibility" means CUTTING government programs - withdrawing $$$ from the economy, killing jobs... and thereby reducing employment, reducing tax revenue, ... and making the U.S. economy WORSE!
Folks, this isn't rocket science, but your friendly GOP hasn't a clue.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Santorum switches party affiliation!
Having failed to de-rail Mitt Romney in the Republican primaries, Rick Santorum today announced he is running as a Democrat!
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