And Here We Go
6 hours ago
Oh! a private buffoon is a light-hearted loon, If you listen to popular rumour; From the morn to the night he's so joyous and bright, And he bubbles with wit and good humour! He's so quaint and so terse, both in prose and in verse; Yet though people forgive his transgression, There are one or two rules that all family fools Must observe, if they love their profession. [Yeomen of the Guard, Gilbert & Sullivan]
Things are the way they are because they got that way. Unless things change they are likely to remain the same.
With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and his orphan, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations. Lincoln's Second Inaugural addressJust sayin'.
Donald Trump: ‘Wacko’ Glenn Beck Is a ‘Failing, Crying Lost Soul’ Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump Wacko @glennbeck is a sad answer to the @SarahPalinUSA endorsement that Cruz so desperately wanted. Glenn is a failing, crying, lost soul!
1. Share everything. 2. Play fair. 3. Don't hit people. 4. Put thngs back where you found them. 5. CLEAN UP YOUR OWN MESS. 6. Don't take things that aren't yours. 7. Say you're SORRY when you HURT somebody. 8. Wash your hands before you eat. 9. Flush. 10. Warm cookies and cold milk are good for you.Yeah, not terribly profound... BUT - not bad advice, either. Short of confiscating all our guns, encouraging neighbors to spy on each other, and monitoring our every move, teaching basic human values - civics - seems to me the best way to combat the "lone wolf".
Love your neighbor as yourself. (Leviticus 19:18)It's not clear to me that any of the GOP candidates knows this... or simply knows basic civics.
A new ABC News poll shows 77 percent of Americans have little or no confidence in the government's ability to prevent a lone wolf attack.How would you specifically find would-be terrorist who are going undetected?To be honest, none of the three candidates provided particularly enlightening answers. BUT - to be fair - there really aren't any good answers... except the obvious:
Turn the U.S. into a Police State.Do, in fact, confiscate all the guns. Encourage neighbors to spy on each other. Monitor ALL our phone calls, our email, our postal mail, our web-surfing. We are suddenly concerned with the "lone wolf" terrorist, but for years, decades, centuries, we've been fairly complacent about the run-of-the-mill murderer. If someone wants to kill his wife, her husband, his or her kids, his friend, his neighbor... well, there's just not a whole helluva lot the government can do to stop him or her. Yeah, it's deplorable... but to my way of thinking, it's preferable to living in a Police State.
Armed men, led by Bundy brothers, take over federal building in rural OregonHow will the GOP candidates respond? Now, imagine that the headline had read:
Armed Muslims take over federal building in rural OregonHow would the GOP candidates respond? I'm guessing the two responses would be completely contradictory. I'm thinking the GOP candidates will all respond to Bundy brothers with some version of, "This is what happens when an over-reaching Federal Government oversteps its bounds." ... and possibly, "These folks are well within their rights to protest Government encroachment." ... and if the rebels had been Muslim? Not so much.
Iran's Supreme Leader Predicts 'Divine Vengeance' After Saudis Execute Cleric Saudi Arabia Cuts Diplomatic Ties With Iran, Foreign Minister SaysMaybe it's time to walk away from the Mideast. Just walk away.
Just walk away Renee You won't see me follow you back home The empty sidewalks on my block are not the same You're not to blame (The Left Bank, "Walk Away Renee")