Monday, January 26, 2009

Blast from the past (my own)

Loyal readers may recall this post:
Friday, January 4, 2008

Trade policy seen key as White House race heats up
By Nick Zieminski, Reuters
Fri Jan 4, 2008


I just checked some recent polls on voter priorities. While it's true that "the economy" and/or "jobs" are among the top 3 issues in all polls as far back as September, it seems a stretch to conclude that "trade policy" per se is on anyone's mind. I suppose you could make the argument that voters who are concerned about the economy and jobs ought to be concerned about trade policy, or could be convinced that trade policy is also important, still... who sees trade policy as "key"????

Reading the article reveals the answer:
Anxiety about the state of the U.S. economy, including a weak housing market and slowing jobs growth -- especially following Friday's anemic employment data -- is likely to influence voters' view of the U.S. role in the global economy, say experts on trade and manufacturing.

Ah! Experts on trade see trade policy as key!

Let's ask some teachers. Then we can write our own article, "Education seen key as White House race heats up."
... or some casino owners... "Gambling seen key as White House race heats up."
... or some accountants... GAAP reform seen key as White House race heats up

This could be fun!

A prediction: Any candidate who starts explaining his/her trade policy will NOT be his/her party's nominee!
[emphasis added]
Does anyone remember any of the candidates - in the primaries or the general - explaining his or her trade policy?

No, I didn't think so.

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