Friday, January 30, 2009

W's Gitmo - "Help wanted: office manager"

I've noted previously that W never really seemed interested in simply governing.
DoD awarded a $300Mn contract to a 23-yr-old to provide ammo to our Afghan allies.
Parsons, KBR, and the rest took billions of our dollars for Iraq "reconstruction" - and never delivered. Even Laura Bush's vaunted state-of-the-art children's hospital in Basra was abandoned when half-finished.
A horsey guy was put in charge of FEMA.

Apparently this disinterest and disdain for the basic business of governing trickled down to the lowest levels of administration.

A former Gitmo prosecutor, Lt. Colonel Darrel Vandevelder, appeared tonight on The Rachel Maddow Show and revealed that when he arrived at Gitmo in 2007 he found the prosecutors' office in disarray.
Evidence and case files were stashed haphazardly on bookcases, in poorly labeled plastic containers, in binders... In trying to assemble coherent files, he discovered that some evidence was simply missing.

What this office needed then - and probably needs today - is simply a competent office manager. Someone who knows how to file stuff.

W: the gift that keeps on giving.

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