Thursday, April 24, 2008

Still the bully...

White House says Syria 'must come clean' about nuclear work
By PAMELA HESS, Associated Press Writer
24 Apr 2008
WASHINGTON - The White House said Thursday that North Korea's secret work on a nuclear reactor with Syria was "a dangerous and potentially destabilizing development for the world," raising doubts about Pyongyang's intention to carry through with a promised disclosure of its nuclear activities.
[Press Secretary Dana Perino:] "The Syrian regime must come clean before the world regarding its illicit nuclear activities."

Note: Syria is among Iraq's Arab neighbors - the folks we want to help Iraq rebuild.

Why are we making nasty noises at them?... Do we think this is the way to get 'em on board in Iraq? Has W ever considered the adage:
You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

The alternative explanation being floated across progressive blogosphere is that this not-so-new N.Korea/Syria "news" is a not-so-subtle attempt by Cheney to undermine current diplomatic efforts with the North Koreans.

Either way, it's REALLY STUPID!

Stop the madness!

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