Thursday, April 17, 2008

a very rich vein of ore to mine!

As I re-read the article cited below (Rice says Arabs must shield Iraq from Iran's sway), I keep finding new nuggets.

Here's my latest discovery:
Rice said Iraq should be "fully reincorporated" into the Arab world by its neighbors, who have been suspicious of Maliki's government and its ties with Iran.
[SecState Rice] will have a very difficult time with the Gulf states in convincing them that the Maliki government is anything other than the cat's paw of the Iranians," said [Iraq expert and ex-CIA analyst Bruce] Riedel, now with the Saban Center at the Brookings Institution in Washington.
That's right: Iraq's Arab neighbors view Maliki's government as a puppet of... Iran! Wow - great job, W!

Stop the madness!

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