Monday, March 22, 2010

Looking forward apprehensively

Yes, Congressional Republicans just lost a big battle - the second such, after "Stimulus".
Yes, they continue to be the Party of No.

BUT: the GOP base (i.e., Tea Party folks) are wildly enthusiastic.

Where's the enthusiasm of the Dem base?
... and, more to the point, can the Dems counter Tea Party enthusiasm come November?
Who'll be leading the charge? - Will Obama take to the campaign trail again?
I'm thinking it just might take Obama's well-tested campaign charisma to counter the wild-eyed Tea Party at the polls.

We've seen that the supposedly 'solid' Dem majorities in House & Senate have been just barely enough to get anything done over GOP obstructionism.
ANY loss in either chamber would be bad...
... and it'd be really nice to increase existing majorities.

Challenge: if you've any ideas (brilliant or otherwise) to energize the Dem base & left-leaning 'independents', DO SOMETHING ABOUT 'EM!
NO: don't tell me - I'm not in any position to turn your ideas into action... if I knew how to influence the folks in charge I'd happily pass along your ideas - but I don't!

If you know how to influence the folks in charge, let the rest of us in on the secret! - Oh, and take advantage of that knowledge to put your good ideas for election-day dominance into action!

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