Friday, March 19, 2010

The Truth: How bin Laden escaped [update #2]

Former US general links Srebrenica to Dutch army gays
Thu Mar 18, 2010
WASHINGTON (AFP) – A retired US general on Thursday said Dutch UN troops defending Srebrenica in the Bosnian war failed to prevent the 1995 genocide partly because their ranks included openly gay soldiers.
This is the key to bin Laden's miraculous escape from Tora Bora in December 2001!

First, it is well-known that bin Laden is openly homosexual [citation needed (update: see below)] [note: al Qaeda is a non-standard transliteration of al GAY-duh].
Second, we now know [citation needed (update: see below)] the so-called "anti-Taliban tribal militia" supporting U.S. & NATO forces was made up largely of crypto-homosexuals. Not only did these crypto-homosexuals impair unit cohesion, they actively abetted fellow-homosexual bin Laden's escape!

The truth can now be told.

[Note: this goes a long way towards explaining why we haven't captured or killed bin Laden in eight-and-a-half years of active searching: our Afghan, Pakistani, and NATO allies are all predominantly crypto-homosexuals, protecting their fellow homosexual, Osama bin Laden!]

Update: PrivateBuffoon follower JC notes a flaw in this argument.
Crypto-homosexuals don't count. It's only open, honest, outed gays that ruin everything. I'll hit Google and see if I can find citations that prove our Afghan & Pakistani allies are infested with open, honest homosexuals (we already KNOW that our NATO allies are infested with open, honest homosexuals!)

Update #2: Here are the links
Gay Afghanistan, After the Taliban. Homosexuality as Tradition

A Pakistan you never knew! Being gay in the Islamic Republic

... and bin Laden?
Man-Love Thursdays in Afghanistan
“One of the great untold stories of al-Qa’ida is that they are all these men who fuck little boys."
If this doesn't prove my case, I don't know what will!

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