Friday, March 19, 2010

Re: I almost missed it

Below I celebrate the 7th anniversary of "Operation Iraqi Freedom".

I forgot to include this observation: our more-or-less "original" war aims were attained within two years of the invasion:
1) Iraq has no WMD
2) Saddam has been deposed
3) Democracy has been established in Iraq
a. Constitution written and approved by electorate
b. Parliamentary elections held
c. Government formed
Tell me again: why are we STILL there?

Note: As far as I can tell, we went into Iraq with NO post-invasion plan.
We wanted to take out Saddam. We succeeded.
Now, what is the condition resulting when NO GOVERNMENT exists?
- You, in the back? What's that???
- That's right! ANARCHY - by definition, the absence of government.

Would that Rummy had been such a good student!
The Plan: take out Saddam.
The follow-up plan: [uh... ]

We saw this also in Afghanistan:
- get bin Laden! (oops!)
- drive out Taliban.
... and THEN???
Did it occur to anyone to ask, "How did the Taliban come to power in Afghanistan?"???
- Yes, you in the back again? What's that you say?
- Very good: "The Taliban came to power when the Soviet withdrawal left ANARCHY!"

Again, would that Rummy had been such a good student.

I'm not usually a fan of Tom Friedman, but I do like his characterization of the so-called Rumsfeld Doctrine:
Just enough troops to lose!
Again, Happy Birthday, "Operation Iraqi Freedom"!

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