Friday, January 18, 2008

Iran NIE a game-changer!... NOT (the next part in what is becoming a very long series of posts)

From Think Progress.

Following Podhoretz’s Lead, Right Wing Continues Push For ‘Bombing Campaign’ Against Iran ‘Now’:
In a new article for Commentary, titled “Stopping Iran: Why the Case for Military Action Still Stands,” he [Podhoretz] argues that Bush should commence with a “bombing campaign”:

Iran can still be stopped from getting the bomb and even more millions of lives can be saved–but only provided that we summon up the courage to see what is staring us in the face and then act on what we see.

Podhoretz isn’t alone in his desire to keep pushing for an attack on Iran. ...

HEWITT: Bill Kristol, do you think it is possible, not even likely, but just possible that the Bush administration will take military action against Iran in their last year?

KRISTOL: I think it’s possible. I think people were a little too quick after that National Intelligence Estimate came out, which was, I think, an attempt by the intelligence agencies to prevent the Bush administration from sort of seriously considering taking action. And I think people were too quick to say ooh, that rules it out, you know, they’re just paralyzed for the next year.

National Review’s Mark Steyn:

If we had a CIA that actually did anything, as opposed to sitting around Langley reading e-mail all day, we would be able to do that. But because we haven’t done that, the bombing option is becoming the only one that will be left, if not for this president, then for somebody.
Recall, my first post on the subject noted that
... and his [W's] neocon enablers are out in force as well:
Dark Suspicions about the NIE
Norman Podhoretz - 12.03.2007
"... But I entertain an even darker suspicion. It is that the intelligence community, which has for some years now been leaking material calculated to undermine George W. Bush, is doing it again."

We can expect this and similar arguments to flow from Podhoretz, Wm. Kristol, and lesser-lights among the chicken hawks.

They will note that the "liberal" media, so quick to deride in hindsight the NIEs regarding Iraq WMD, are now equally quick to accept an Iran NIE that corresponds to their "liberal agenda". They will likely use phrases like, "the liberal media want us to lose the war on terror", "the liberal media seize on anything that is anti-American," and so on.

Sean Hannity - with the advantage of Podhoretz's implicit support - will use the Iran NIE as evidence of the CIA's anti-W cabal, from which Valerie Plame was ousted.
My psychic ability is sometimes simply frightening!

Stop the madness!

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