Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Another one...

Mass. man accused of plot to kill US politicians

Just out of curiosity, what ever happened to these guys?
ATF: Plot by skinheads to kill Obama is foiled
Google provides no immediate info.

Calvin Coolidge said it best:
"Any well-dressed man who is willing to die himself can kill the President of the United States."
We'll never be rid of 'terrorist' plots... at least, not and continue to live in something resembling a free country.
The sooner our leaders realize this, the safer we'll be!

"Safer?", you ask.
Yep! - Safer from misguided and dangerous over-reaches by our Government! (see, e.g., so-called "Patriot Act".)
The crazies will always be with us.
They may even succeed from time to time. (see, e.g., Timothy McVeigh.)

This is NOT a legitimate reason for our Government to erode our Constitutional liberties, and to turn the glorious USA into a police state!

1 comment:

  1. The more we treat terrorism like natural disasters the better. They're going to happen like fire or flood. If we respond the same way we do these occurrences the less likely we'll run around like the chicken little.
