Tuesday, October 6, 2009


... well, actually, a couple of "Why?"s...

Why do the likes of McCaughey continue to get airtime to spew right-wing drivel?
Why does anyone care what Greenspan says anymore?

Why does anyone want to engage in "debate" with Republicans?

Me? I'm for ridicule!
- They're all Limbaugh now: "Cheers erupt at WEEKLY STANDARD world headquarters"... this when they learned Rio got the Olympics - not Chicago! Yep: the GOP - the party that wants America to fail!!!

$$$ for pointless wars? - not a problem.
$$$ for tax cuts for the rich? - not a problem.
$$$ for Big Banks? - not a problem.
$$$ for healthcare coverage for We the People? - BIG PROBLEM!

I sure hope someone at DNC is writing this stuff down!

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