Thursday, October 1, 2009

Uh, folks... it's been 8 years already!

Petraeus: We Won't Repeat Russia's Mistakes In Afghanistan

Not that long ago (9 Aug), we had this:
Sen. Lindsey Graham Sunday warned that the U.S. must not ‘Rumsfeld’ the war there [in Afghanistan], a reference to former Bush Administration Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.
Uh, folks... it's been 8 years.

We've already Rumsfelded Afghanistan.
We've been there just over 8 years. The Soviets pulled out after 9.

Even Nixon had the decency to admit defeat in Viet Nam... or was it "declare victory & go home" - either way, he decommitted the U.S. military from further engagement.

Why can't we do the same in Afghanistan?

Once Humpty-Dumpty is broken, "all the kings horses and all the kings men..."
And this egg was broken as soon as Rummy determined that boots on the ground were obsolete.

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