Saturday, October 24, 2009

This country is our friend!

Female Journalist Sentenced To 60 Lashes For Sex Show On Saudi Arabia TV

Recall: 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers were Saudis.
(NONE were from Iraq!)

The infamous, much-ridiculed Afghanistan "Ministry for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice" was modeled directly on the Saudi Committee for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice.

The U.S. continues to maintain good relations with Saudi Arabia.

Note: I'm not so much questioning our maintenance of good relations with the Saudis, as suggesting that our attitude towards other Muslim countries that exhibit exactly the same pathologies ought to be revisited.

RealPolitik is a nasty business - let's be honest: we choose our "friends" less for high-ground moral reasons than for economic benefit... the Saudis, after all, control a LOT of oil!
(... and T. Boone Pickens's recent testimony before Congress suggests that, well, yes - Iraq WAS a "war for oil".)


  1. There were three, perhaps four, "purposes' for the invasion, conquest, occupation, and rape of Iraq, imho:
    1) control the oil
    2) control the skies over the region with land-based aircraft (real-Politik).
    3) remove the threat of Iraq to Israel
    4) destabilize Iran

    Mission: Accomplished

  2. The number one reason is always to establish military bases and make them essential to the economy of the area. The Philippines have been the only country to ask us to get out (Subic Bay) once one has been established. It was also the reason for the World Trade Center attack by the Saudi's. They object to our base in Kuwait that we established in Desert Storm.
