Monday, February 4, 2008

"Conservative" used to mean "a person who seeks to conserve"...

... now it seems to mean, "brain-dead."

Okay - this is a nastier post than usual, but when I see headlines like
McCain and Romney battle over who is conservative
that's the only response possible.

What does "most conservative" mean to these guys? Denying science, increasing our national indebtedness, pursuing war as policy, denying civil liberties... am I missing anything here?

Back in high school history I learned that "conservative" meant "a person who seeks to conserve the past"... not someone who seeks to shape the future in the image of some neolithic worldview.

Our national past includes the U.S. Constitution, which suggests that promoting the general welfare, establishing justice, and securing the blessings of liberty are central to our Nation.

Where'd these guys go to school?

Stop the madness!

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