Saturday, March 8, 2008

"Dancing in the streets"

GOP Rep.: Al Qaeda Would Cheer Obama Win
Iowa Rep. Says Terrorists Would "Dance In The Streets" And Declare Victory In War On Terror
DES MOINES, Iowa, March 8, 2008 (CBS News)
(AP) An Iowa Republican congressman said that terrorists would be "dancing in the streets" if Democratic candidate Barack Obama were to win the presidency. An Obama spokesman said such comments "have no place in our politics."

U.S. Rep. Steve King based his prediction on Obama's pledge to pull troops out of Iraq, his Kenyan heritage and his middle name, Hussein.
To all Dems: hit back, hard!

Why, six-and-a-half years after 9/11, are we still worried about al Qaeda? Because the Republicans have failed!

This should be a no-brainer: if al Qaeda will be dancing in the streets with an Obama victory, it's because W and his Republican Congressional enablers have failed to thwart al Qaeda... and failed miserably. Even DNI McConnell admits that
“Al Qaeda is gaining in strength from its refuge in Pakistan and is steadily improving its ability to recruit, train and position operatives capable of carrying out attacks inside the United States…”
Whenever a Republican predicts dire consequences for anything based on the continuing threat of al Qaeda, gently remind the voters that the only reason "al Qaeda" is still part of our political vocabulary is that the Republicans have failed! Don't be shy.

Stop the madness!

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