Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The next badder bogey-man

Bush says Iraq war was worth it
By TERENCE HUNT, AP White House Correspondent
18 March 2008
WASHINGTON - President Bush says he has no doubts about launching the unpopular war in Iraq despite the "high cost in lives and treasure," arguing that retreat now would embolden Iran and provide al-Qaida with money for weapons of mass destruction to attack the United States.

"Provide al-Qaida with money..."???
The logic here is impeccable!
"If we were to allow our enemies to prevail in Iraq, the violence that is now declining would accelerate and Iraq could descend into chaos," Bush said.
"An emboldened al-Qaida with access to Iraq's oil resources could pursue its ambitions to acquire weapons of mass destruction to attack America and other free nations."

Let's ignore for a moment the conflation of AQI (the "al Qaeda" in Iraq) with bin Laden's al Qaeda.

Just how would al Qaeda gain control of Iraq's oil revenues? Seriously!

W also accuses war critics of changing horses mid-stream:
"War critics can no longer credibly argue that we are losing in Iraq, so now they argue the war costs too much."
This from the fellow who first gave us Saddam = 9/11, then WMD & mushroom clouds, then liberating the oppressed people of Iraq, then Iraq as bright beacon of democracy, then ridding the world of an evil dictator, then... oh, nevermind.

And today? Today he paints the most graphic "bad things will happen, be very afraid" picture yet!
"If we were to allow our enemies to prevail in Iraq, the violence that is now declining would accelerate and Iraq could descend into chaos," Bush said. "Al-Qaida would regain its lost sanctuaries and establish new ones fomenting violence and terror that could spread beyond Iraq's borders, with serious consequences to the world economy.

"Out of such chaos in Iraq, the terrorist movement could emerge emboldened with new recruits ... new resources ... and an even greater determination to dominate the region and harm America," Bush said in his remarks. "An emboldened al-Qaida with access to Iraq's oil resources could pursue its ambitions to acquire weapons of mass destruction to attack America and other free nations. Iran could be emboldened as well with a renewed determination to develop nuclear weapons and impose its brand of hegemony across the broader Middle East. And our enemies would see an American failure in Iraq as evidence of weakness and lack of resolve."
With each anniversary the threats to America get amplified, the shouting louder & louder.

Don't you wish W'd exercised his vivid imagination before invading, perhaps envisioning some of the consequences of his actions?

Strategically, the bad guys get everything they could hope for from our continued presence:
- the destruction of our military
- the bankrupting of our economy
- the degradation of our reputation in the international community
Keeping us in Iraq is a victory for both AQI and bin Laden's al Qaeda - at minimal cost to them!

... and, for what it's worth, yes, war-critics CAN still credibly argue that we are losing in Iraq. Among these would be the near-deified Gen Petraeus.
Petraeus, who is preparing to testify to Congress next month on the Iraq war, said in an interview that "no one" in the U.S. and Iraqi governments "feels that there has been sufficient progress by any means in the area of national reconciliation," or in the provision of basic public services.
[Washington Post, Petraeus: Iraqi Leaders Not Making 'Sufficient Progress', 14 march 2008]
(Guess he won't be around very much longer!)

Every day we remain in Iraq diminishes our national security.
It's time to leave Iraq. Today.
"When it comes to our security, we really don't need anybody's permission."
[President George W. Bush]
Stop the madness!

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